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Souped-up smartphones, robots to help police fight crime more effectively


SINGAPORE - New technology unveiled on Thursday (May 3) will make it easier for the police to fight crime and enforce the law.


Multi-purpose, all-terrain, autonomous robot

Sound and visual sensors, with 360-degree video capability, allow the autonomous patrol bot to detect suspicious activity on the ground. The robot was deployed in an in-house trial in late 2017, and there are plans to include video and audio analytics in its arsenal.

It was developed through partnership with the Home Affairs Ministry's Office of the Chief Science and Technology Officer and the Agency for Science, Technology and Research's Institute for Infocomm Research.

S5 pan-tilt-zoom patrol robot

The robot was first deployed during Chingay 2018 for crowd patrol to enhance event security. It can patrol autonomously and provide live video feed to a command post.

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